Ending B

I <3 Chipotle

Ubuntu Live Announced!

A joint deal between Microsoft and the Linux Community resulted in a new service for gamers today. In addition to Xbox Live and Games for Windows Live, Microsoft is rolling out Games for Ubuntu Live. The new service will bring Achievements, Friends, and Online Matchmaking to the Ubuntu Operating System. Similiar to Xbox Live, there will be a fee of $49.99 for a one year subscription to Ubuntu Live. A spokesperson explained "The open source community was really an untapped market for us. These are computer users just like us, the only difference is that they haven't spent as much money on their Operating Systems. We looked for ways to take advantage of that extra capital." In parallel with this news, Blizzard has announced that the highly-anticipated Diablo 3 will be released as a Linux exclusive to help promote Ubuntu Live.

The new Ubuntu Live logo

The new Ubuntu Live logo