Ending B

Novice, have boundless potentialities...

Otakon Report Day Two

by Craig Olsen

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Yeah, I know, the second day report is a day late. Don't blame me, blame Eric.

So, the second day of Otakon was fun. The first day was spent mostly in artist alley and wandering around the con (at least for me, and I think it was the same for Eric and Steve). Day two was my day to heavily explore the dealer's room. They had a lot of good stuff, but unfortunately a lot of the merchandise I could either purchase at a bookstore or a place like Best Buy. However, I did find two rare items I decided to purchase. One was a Kanon art book, and the other was a Breath of Fire art book. Besides that, I took a lot of pictures and had some taken of me as well (I was dressed as Ike from Fire Emblem.)

I was not able to go to any panels or special events, but I've never been to any of these at any con I've ever been to, so I'm okay with that. I also helped Kim and Brandy & Brian by running some errands and occasionally running around for food. Eric, Steve, and I also met up with our old friend, Thomas, and we all went to dinner and had crabcakes. Yay crabcakes!

Two Cosplayers are Fuuko and Tomoya from <em>Clannad</em>

You're the one who's whole... ah, nevermind.

More on Otakon day 3 from one of us... hopefully ^^;