Ending B

I'm not your buddy, guy!

Ohayocon 2010 Day One

by Eric Kociecki

Saturday, January 30, 2010

One day down and I'm awake nice and early getting ready for the second day. Not much to say about Friday, but we had a lot of fun. Met some new people, saw some old friends, took pictures of complete strangers, and chatted with all. Click for more more cosplay pictures after the jump.

Two cosplayers at Ohayocon 2010 posing, Toadette and and unknown character

My first photo of the con

A group of Legend of Zelda cosplayers posing for a picture in the food court of Ohayocon 2010

Great cosplays, but not the usual Zelda characters

The Blue Brothers cosplays posing at Ohayocon 2010

A young girl cosplaying as Yotsuba and posing at Ohayocon 2010

And I will leave you all with Yotsuba