Ending B

Obey Haruhi

Ohayocon Day 2 Snapshot

by Eric Kociecki

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I know this is exactly one week late, but I wanted to let everyone know that I am working on a larger Ohayocon summary post that will be up in the next week or two. Until then, enjoy these pictures that I was in the process of posting last Sunday morning while waiting for people to wake up for Ohayocon.

A group of Silent Hill cosplayers in an action pose at Ohayocon 2010

Watch out behind you!

UPDATE: Most of the pics are posted here: http://picasaweb.google.com/eric.kociecki/Ohayocon2010. This is my first time using Picasa's Web Albums, so please use the comments here if you have any issues with viewing the pictures.

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Ohayocon AMV Goodness

by Craig Olsen

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hello all! All of us at Ending B had a great time at Ohayocon this year. Since I've now started to attend the AMV contest panels this year, I thought it would be fun to share some of the ones that we watched. Though I had an extreme few to chose from (both from YouTube and Google), I picked out three that were fun to watch. I hope you enjoy them.

All AMVs featured are done so with permission from their creators.

KaseiHikari's "The Love + Joy Project"
Source: Lucky Star
Song: Love and Joy by Yuki Kimura
Category: Upbeat

Before we get any further, the next two AMV's are from the action category. While the first has a fair amount of fighting, the last one contains explicit scenes of violence and gore (thank you Resident Evil for that phrase).

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Ohayocon 2010 Day One

by Eric Kociecki

Saturday, January 30, 2010

One day down and I'm awake nice and early getting ready for the second day. Not much to say about Friday, but we had a lot of fun. Met some new people, saw some old friends, took pictures of complete strangers, and chatted with all. Click for more more cosplay pictures after the jump.

Two cosplayers at Ohayocon 2010 posing, Toadette and and unknown character

My first photo of the con

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