Ending B

I don't need instructions to know how to rock!

God of War

by Ed Van Loon

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tired of the same old Greek Mythology? Wish you could get in on the action? Want to study the Greek gods through lots of violence?

If there was ever a game where one could think all the above, and be satisfied, then you've come to the right title!

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Tales of the Abyss

by Ed Van Loon

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I've started 7 games of the "Tales of" series, as of today, I've finished 3 of them. Why the wait? I suppose they don't really hook me as much as I would like. While the battle system is fun, I believe it is much better as a multiplayer RPG, but it is difficult to coincide one's schedule along with others to ensure a finished game, though in my case it happened once with Tales of Symphonia.

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What I Did Over Winter Break

by Craig Olsen

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hey all! Been doing a lot of work over break (with working on my thesis, writing comics, and working on art), but I still managed to take some time to do some fun things over break. Here's what I've been up to. But first, let's start off the new year (or decade?) with...

Tekken 6 Fighters

A gratuitous panty shot! Thank you Tekken 6!

Over winter break, I played Tekken 6 and Final Fantasy X, and I watched some of Spice and Wolf. Here's what I thought of each.

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