Guild Wars 2 Design Manifesto
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Hello everyone! Someone told me endingb doesn't update enough, so I figured I'd help us all out with this!
Independent Action: Alien Swarm
Friday, July 16, 2010
Things you should look at: Guild Wars 2 and League of Legends Season One
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Hello everyone! I am taking my time out of my busy job search to talk to you about a few things that you should look at.
Independent Action: League of Legends
Friday, May 7, 2010
It's the article you've all been waiting for!
Okay, so it isn't really. But I've been playing League of Legends for a while so I figured I'd talk a little bit about it.
If you liked the Defense of the Ancients map in Warcraft 3, you should check this out.
God of War
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tired of the same old Greek Mythology? Wish you could get in on the action? Want to study the Greek gods through lots of violence?
If there was ever a game where one could think all the above, and be satisfied, then you've come to the right title!
Independent Action: Super Mario Crossover
Friday, April 30, 2010
Hello everyone! It seems like many blogs out there on the Internet are posting about this particular game, but I felt like if anyone on this blog should be posting about this game, then it should be me.
The game in question is Super Mario Crossover! This is a flash game that you can find at Newgrounds, and for many of us, it's quite a blast from the past going back to that site. Feel free to click on the image for a direct link to the game.
If I were Bowser Koopa, I would just quit right now.
Not your craft, MINECRAFT.
Friday, April 23, 2010
I suppose you could add this to my "Independent Action" series, but I couldn't resist the title.
One of the many sights of the Ending B Minecraft server!
Does that image tickle your fancy? How about being able to build almost whatever you can think of? Are you a lego sort of person? Then this game is made for you! Also it's written in Java, so that's really cool in my book. But we'll find out more after the FOLD!
Diablo II and Median XL
Friday, April 23, 2010
Hello everyone! I've been trying to keep my updates at least weekly so you can marvel at all the awesome things that I happen to find.
First of all, let's take a look at this:
This is actually a rather noobish character in Median XL.
Read my full featured and incredibly awesome review of this modification (and a short look back at Diablo II) after the FOLD!
Tales of the Abyss
Thursday, April 15, 2010
I've started 7 games of the "Tales of" series, as of today, I've finished 3 of them. Why the wait? I suppose they don't really hook me as much as I would like. While the battle system is fun, I believe it is much better as a multiplayer RPG, but it is difficult to coincide one's schedule along with others to ensure a finished game, though in my case it happened once with Tales of Symphonia.
Independent Action: RunMan: Race Around the World
Friday, March 5, 2010