Ending B

Moon... Prism... POWER!!

Guild Wars 2 Design Manifesto

by Ed Van Loon

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hello everyone! Someone told me endingb doesn't update enough, so I figured I'd help us all out with this!

You've seen my previous posts about GW2, you know how much I'm looking forward to it. For all of you who are looking for an MMO but don't want the subscription, this is the game to try out. Seriously, I cannot talk about this game enough, everything sounds awesome and I'm probably giving in to hype... but seriously, it's very hard with all the wonderful videos that ArenaNet has released. Also, Guild Wars was a success (albeit small, but still enough to generate revenue), so I have a hard time seeing this game do poorly.

I'm just worried that it won't work on the cardboard box.