Guild Wars 2 Design Manifesto
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Hello everyone! Someone told me endingb doesn't update enough, so I figured I'd help us all out with this!
Diablo II and Median XL
Friday, April 23, 2010
Hello everyone! I've been trying to keep my updates at least weekly so you can marvel at all the awesome things that I happen to find.
First of all, let's take a look at this:
This is actually a rather noobish character in Median XL.
Read my full featured and incredibly awesome review of this modification (and a short look back at Diablo II) after the FOLD!
Kingdom Hearts: Then and Now, There and Here
Monday, October 19, 2009
Hello everyone! I'm here again to write a review of a game that is part of one of my more enjoyable series, but first let's get a little bit of history with that.
I started Kingdom Hearts when I was in High School, and found myself overwhelmed with the fact that I actually had to play a more action based game rather than a full scale RPG. Out of Squaresoft, I was not expecting anything of this caliber outside of Final Fantasy, and Chrono Trigger, but they certainly did not disappoint. I do not remember the exact reason why I decided to purchase the game, perhaps the fact that it was a Squaresoft game, or that it might have had some enjoyable things that I remembered from the Disney movies I watched growing up...
Anyway, I digress...
Independent (or cheap!) Action: Dragonica
Monday, August 17, 2009
I came across Dragonica while I was reading through an issue of MMOZine and promptly forgot about it. From what I recall, they mentioned that it was a fun game, but should not occupy the player for more than a few hours at a time.
Still with me? A few hours does not seem like a lot of time, but for someone that may have a busy schedule, perhaps that is for the better. I decided that since the open beta of this game was coming up, that it would be a good idea if I got into the game before it went gold.
Wait, this is one of those "cash shop" games, I.E., you are given a certain amount for free, but ultimately get to pay for things like items or additional content. In this game's case, it's mostly items, and from what I could see, they accentuated glamor rather than function. This is reminiscent of another game I play, Guild Wars, where the most expensive armor in the game, at 15000 gold plus the cost of materials, is substantially more expensive than the armor you can get before you get to the max level content, 1000 gold plus the cost of materials... there's no difference! It's all whether you want your character to look good, and in the case of the most expensive armor, you will be no more useful than someone with cheap looking armor.
I'll leave Guild Wars to another topic, but since the beta of this game is coming up on August 18th (at 5:00PM EST), I figured it would be a good time to let everyone know who might be interested in a fun side scrolling action based MMO. That's right, action based, and you can use a gamepad if you want.
If you are interested, feel free to check out THQ's Dragonica website and since I'll be playing there, I will update this post at a later time with the server I'm playing on (as well as a few screenshots).
Update: True to my word, I said I would give you the server I'm on. Well, little did I know that it looks like it's just the "Vyvern", and I have a thief named "Siledra", so feel free to message me if you enjoyed my review, or want to party!
Star Ocean: Basic Information
Monday, August 25, 2008
As a lad, I enjoyed a little game released by Enix called "Star Ocean 2". Since then, they've only released one other game to the US (Till the End of Time) and, to be honest, I really didn't like it. That's why I was excited to find out that there are some more Star Ocean games coming out to the United States (so I can get a better idea whether I like this series or not). Except for "Second Evolution", I know next to nothing about them. But! I have some release dates to share!
Star Ocean: First Departure (PSP), a re-release of Star Ocean for SNES (not brought over to the US); 10/21/2008

I sense a color scheme going on here...
Star Ocean: Second Evolution (PSP), a re-release of Star Ocean 2, which was all kinds of awesome; 01/06/2009

Oo! This is my standard party! Left to right: Celine (Mage), Rena (Healer), Claude (Power Warrior), Ashton (Technique Warrior)
Star Ocean: Last Hope (XBox 360), new... but looks kinda standard... and not Anime-ish... I don't know about this one...; Q2 of 2009

Too bad, I really liked the Anime style of the others
Square-Enix's Official Star Ocean Site
That is all