Acen 2009 Report: Day Two
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Day two is over and my wallet is emptier. I spent a good amount of time scouring the Dealer's Room today for a couple of movies. Kim seemed to have a pretty good day selling her artwork in Artist's Alley. Honestly there isn't much to say about today. It was fun, but pretty much more of the same. Hit up the jump for some pictures though.

They were back with a new cosplay today!

I saw a couple of Master Roshis around today

Another example to convince my family to join in our cosplays

This guy was awesome, he acted just like I would expect a shyguy to act

There were quite a few Zeldas this year, but this pair was one of the best

Kim's table with Joe, Steve, and Kim (from left to right)

It was colder today so this area wasn't too crowded
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