Ending B

With our powers combined... not much happens

ACen 2010 Recap - Part 3

by Eric Kociecki

Monday, May 24, 2010

The first thing I did after getting to the con was … get my picture taken. I didn’t even manage to make it past the lobby before being stopped for the first time. I have a relatively popular cosplay, so this happens frequently. My favorite part of conventions is walking around and seeing the many cosplayers. I spend most of my day at a con taking pictures and getting my picture taken. I love cosplaying.

A large group of Gurren Lagann cosplayers at ACen 2010

Not me, but this Gurren Lagann group was hanging out by the entrance.

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This is the first of a short series of articles recapping this year's ACen 2010. As usual there were a ton of great cosplayers. I've collected a few of my favorites here on Ending B (see more after the jump). The full collection is viewable over on my Picasa Web Album here: picasaweb.com/eric.kociecki/ACen2010.

A group of Cowboy Bebop cosplayers from ACen 2010

Cowboy Bebop still has a pretty strong presence at cons

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Acen 2010

by Eric Kociecki

Thursday, May 13, 2010

We're packing up and heading off to Acen right NOW! Expect pictures and updates here throughout the weekend! (unless we don't have internet)

Acen 2009 Report: Day Three

by Eric Kociecki

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Acen 2009 is over, and we are tired! I'm back at Kim's place for the night after a 7 hour drive from Chicagoland. Sunday was slower than the other days, but we still saw quite a few cosplayers. Artist's Alley was looking a little dead though as some artists left early (including us, we left an hour before close). Steve had to leave early in the afternoon to catch a flight back home. As usual, check out more pictures after the jump!

The Dealer's Room at Acen

The Dealer's Room was still a busy place today

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Acen 2009 Report: Day Two

by Eric Kociecki

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day two is over and my wallet is emptier. I spent a good amount of time scouring the Dealer's Room today for a couple of movies. Kim seemed to have a pretty good day selling her artwork in Artist's Alley. Honestly there isn't much to say about today. It was fun, but pretty much more of the same. Hit up the jump for some pictures though.

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Acen 2009 Report: Day One

by Eric Kociecki

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day one is finished and everyone else in our hotel room is asleep. It's way too late at night/early in the morning, so I'm gonna try to make this quick. We arrived at the hotel yesterday evening, about an hour after Artist Alley registration closed. I already had my con badge, so this wasn't an issue for me, but it meant that Kim would need to wake up a bit earlier tomorrow to get everything taken care of before setting up her tables. This morning we headed over to start the con! Read more after the jump.

Line of people outside Acen

This is the line to enter the dealer's room

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Acen 2009!

by Eric Kociecki

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's time for another convention! This time the gang is heading to Chicago for Anime Central 2009. The con runs May 8 through May 10th this year. Steve, Kim, and I will be attending, so expect pictures and updates throughout the weekend. If there are any questions you have about the con, let us know in the comments here and we'll try to answer them as quickly as we can. I don't think I'll have internet access in the convention, but I'll at least check in from our hotel room in the evening.